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Privacy Policy

Urbanexs Technologies Incorporated

Privacy Policy last updated on June 2024

I. Data Collection and Uses

1. Data Collection

1.A. Data Provided by Users

  • During Account Creation: Users provide their name, email, phone number, login credentials, address, profile picture, payment information, and photos for identity verification.

  • During Use of Services: We collect data such as location data, app usage data, and device data during the use of our services.

  • From Other Sources: We obtain data from other users, business partners, vendors, insurance and financial providers, and governmental authorities.

1.B. Personal Data Collected

  • User Profile Data: We collect data including name, email, phone number, login name, password, address, profile picture, payment or banking information, and photos for identity verification.

  • Location Data: We collect approximate location, precise location, and motion and fitness data.

  • Messages: We collect SMS content, sender information, and recipient information.

  • Demographic Data: We collect demographic data from surveys and infer demographic data from other collected data.

  • User Content: We collect data submitted by users during customer support interactions, feedback, ratings, and communications.

  • Files and Docs: We collect user files or documents and related information.

  • Device IDs: We collect identifiers related to individual devices.

  • Financial Info: We collect payment information, purchase history, credit score, and other financial details.

  • Voice or Sound Recordings: We collect voice or sound recordings for product searching purposes.

  • Other In-App Messages: We collect text messages, sender information, recipient information, and message content.

2. Data Created During Use of Services

  • Location Data (Drivers, Service Providers, Delivery Persons): We collect precise or approximate location data when the app is running in the foreground or background.

  • Location Data (Customers and Delivery/Service Recipients): We collect precise or approximate location data from users’ mobile devices if enabled.

  • Transaction Information: We collect information related to the type of services requested or provided, order details, payment transactions, delivery information, and other related data.

  • Usage Data: We collect data about how users interact with our services, including access dates and times, app features viewed, app crashes, and system activity.

  • Device Data: We collect data about the devices used to access our services, including hardware models, IP addresses, operating systems, software, preferred languages, device motion data, and mobile network data.

  • Communications Data: We enable users to communicate through our mobile apps and websites, and we receive some data regarding these communications, including date, time, and content.

3. Data from Other Sources

  • Referral Programs: We receive personal data of referred individuals through our referral programs.

  • Business Partners: We receive data from business partners through which users create or access their accounts.

  • Vendors: We receive data from vendors for identity verification, background information, and eligibility to work.

  • Publicly Available Sources: We receive data from marketing service providers, data resellers, law enforcement officials, public health officials, and other government authorities.

II. How We Use Personal Data

1. Service Provision

  • Service Operations: We use personal data to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our services. This includes account creation and updates, transportation and delivery services, payment processing, tracking services, personalizing accounts, and facilitating related solutions. 

2. Safety and Security

  • User Verification: We use personal data to verify users' identity and eligibility, prevent fraud, and enhance safety and security through user ratings and incident feedback.

3. Customer Support

  • Support Operations: We use personal data to address user concerns and provide customer support.

4. Research and Development

  • Development Activities: We use personal data for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience.

5. (a) User Communications

  • Communication Types: We use personal data to enable communication between users, send marketing communications about our services, promotions, surveys, and events, and send non-marketing communications such as receipts and notifications of changes.

6. Legal Proceedings

  • Legal Compliance: We use personal data to investigate claims, satisfy legal requirements, and respond to legal requests.

7. Automated Decision-Making

  • Automated Processes: We use personal data to make automated decisions, including enabling dynamic pricing, matching users, determining user ratings, flagging unsafe activity, and adjusting fees based on user behavior.

III. Cookies and Third-Party Technologies

1. Use of Cookies

  • Cookie Purposes: We use cookies to authenticate users, remember user preferences, determine content popularity, measure ad effectiveness, analyze site traffic, and understand user behavior.

2. Third-Party Services

  • Service Providers: We allow third parties to provide audience measurement, analytics, and ad performance tracking services on our behalf.

IV. Data Sharing and Disclosure

1. With Other Users

  • User Data Sharing: We share user data, such as names, ratings, pickup/drop-off locations, and order details, with other users as necessary to provide our services.

2. At the User's Request

  • Data Sharing Requests: We share data with friends, business partners, and emergency services at the user's request.

3. With the General Public

  • Public Information: We share user-submitted questions or comments on public forums, making them viewable by the public.

4. With Account Owners

  • Account Data Sharing: We share trip or order information with the owner of the account when services are provided through an account owned by another party.

5. With Subsidiaries and Affiliates

  • Internal Sharing: We share data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf.

6. With Service Providers and Business Partners

  • Partner Sharing: We share data with payment processors, background check providers, cloud storage providers, social media companies, advertising intermediaries, research partners, safety enhancement vendors, and professional service providers.

7. For Legal Reasons

  • Legal Sharing: We share data with law enforcement, public health officials, government authorities, and others for legal and safety purposes.

8. With Consent

  • User Consent: We share user data with third parties when we notify users and obtain their consent.

V. Data Retention and Deletion

1. Retention Period

  • Data Retention: We retain user data for as long as necessary to provide our services, comply with legal obligations, ensure safety and security, and prevent fraud.

2. Account Deletion

  • Deletion Requests: Users can request account deletion at any time. We delete the user’s account and data unless it must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements or for other reasons stated in this policy.

VI. Choice and Transparency

1. Privacy Settings

  • User Preferences: Users can set preferences for location data collection, emergency data sharing, and notifications through the app settings.

2. Device Permissions

  • Permissions Management: Users can manage permissions for data access through their device settings.

3. In-App Ratings

  • Rating System: Users can rate each other and view average ratings through the app to ensure accountability and safety.

4. User Data Requests

  • Data Management: Users can access, request a copy of, change, update, or delete their data through the app or website.

VII. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy for Marketing Communications, please contact us at:

Urbanexs Technologies Address: Laval, Quebec H7W 1V6


Phone: 1-800-945-5505


II. How We Use Personal Data

5. (b) Marketing Communications

  • Purpose: We use your personal data to send you marketing communications about our services, promotions, surveys, and events.

  • Personalization: We may use your data to personalize the marketing communications you receive, ensuring they are relevant to your interests.

5. (c) Consent Management

  • Opt-In: You will be given the option to opt-in to receive marketing communications during the account creation process

  • Opt-Out: You can opt-out of marketing communications at any time through the app’s privacy settings or by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in any marketing email, or unsubscibing from text/SMS messages by responding correctly in every marketing texts/SMS

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